Bridport Arts Newsletter
Spoken Word Thursday 18 April, 2024 7:30pm

Bassie Gracie

Tickets: Adult £10, Child £8, JSA/IS £8, Reg Disabled £8

A spoken word bonanza featuring notorious festival poet Bassie Gracie and a tantalising selection of Bridport’s finest poets.

Bassie Gracie is a punk performance poet known for her musings as a musician, feel good feminism and general silliness. Frequently found shoeless on the Monday of a music festival telling a 70 year old geezer ‘punk was better in my day’. Her show combines, jokes anecdotes and rhyming couplets, intended to inspire, amuse and excite.



“Making art is a minefield, filled with anxiety, self doubt and general feelings of dread. It is also a forest on a sunny day, it is liberating, self affirming and spectacular. You gotta take the rough with the smooth”
Performance poet, serial bassist and mosh pit dweller, Bassie Gracie 


"...her poetry was witty and empowering, moving between conversational sections to rapid rhymes..."

Keep Cardiff Live

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