Bridport Arts Newsletter

Bridport Arts Centre Trustees

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Christopher Pike

Chris has lived in West Dorset for about twenty years. He works in intellectual property law, craniosacral therapy and is a small holder with an interest in growing and conservation.

He is the Chair of Bridport Film Society, which brings world cinema to the BACscreen, and is also on the team, which produces Bridports From Page to Screen film festival, the UKs only festival of screen adaptation.

Chris loves the vital, free-spirited and entrepreneurial culture of Bridport and aspires to see the Arts Centre return to the community heart of our vibrant arts and cultural scene.

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Rowan Prescott Hedley

Rowan’s pronouns are she/they. A passionate activist for accessibility and inclusion, Rowan is a founder of DT4Equality; an intersectional organisation for young people in the Weymouth area. They are a director of Bridge The Gap Facilitators where they put their legal experience to use, as well as their discipline in the arts.
Rowan is a creative herself under RPH Productions. She writes music, poetry, and plays and performs this all often online. Rowan came to BAC with a drive for artistic inclusion, something which she also builds as a trustee of Activate Performing Arts.

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Hayley Bowkett

Non-Executive Director

Hayley has enjoyed a career as a Contemporary Dance Performer, Community Practitioner and Participation Programmer, teaching in educational and community settings and managing a range of arts projects. On completion of her Heritage Management MA she joined the Visitor Experience Team with the National Trust and now works as a freelance producer, exploring the collaborative relationship between heritage and the arts and its power to engage and inspire.

Hayley is interested in how we use conversation between organisation and community to increase access and relevancy. She joins the board with a special interest in BAC’s diverse programme and opportunities for participation.

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Ines Cavill
Non-Executive Director

All 3 generations of Ines’s family are keen visitors to events in the Marlow Theatre and Allsop Gallery.

Her children have also enjoyed participating in the regular BACstage drama group as well as one-off filmmaking and art workshops.  She has been part of the From Page to Screen film festival committee since 2012 and has developed creative studios at New House Farm & Pottery.

She joined the Board in November 2018 with a particular interest in supporting the Arts Centre’s participation programme, and its capacity to combine inspiring professional creativity with the community engagement that it was founded upon.

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Geoffrey Jones
Non-Executive Director

Bridport is Geoffrey’s wife’s hometown and he have been visiting for over twenty years. They finally moved here permanently five years ago, and love living in such a vibrant and welcoming place.

He has over twenty years’ experience in charity governance, regulation, finance, and strategic development and is really looking forward to applying this experience to the development of the Arts Centre.

He applied to be a Trustee to share his skills and experience, and to help the development of the Arts Centre which is a real asset to the town and wider community. As a trustee he looks forward to using his professional skills to enhance the Arts Centre and ensure its ongoing future development.

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Jennifer Lowis
Non-Executive Director

Jen lives in Bridport with her husband and three teenage children. She has worked in communications and marketing in both the public and private sectors for over 25 years.

Jen has wide ranging experience of promoting festivals, art exhibitions and other cultural and community events.

 Jen is passionate about arts and culture and keen to contribute to the future success of Bridport Arts Centre.

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Tamsin Little
Non-Executive Director

Since graduating from the Shakespeare Institute in 2017, Tamsin has worked with arts and culture organisations across Dorset. Tamsin is currently Communications and Fundraising Manager at Shire Hall Museum, an award-winning social justice museum, where she oversees marketing, communication and fundraising strategies as well as collaborating on visitor experience and exhibitions.

Tamsin is committed to championing equality, diversity and inclusion in all the work she does. She is the organiser of Dorset Youth Pride, an inclusive event for the LGBTQ+ community held at Shire Hall Museum.

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Harriet Morgan Smith
Non-Executive Director

Harriet grew up in Charmouth and has many happy memories of visiting BAC as a child and was actively involved in many music groups as a singer and Double Bass player. She moved back to Bridport with her partner in 2015, to be closer to her parents, but was also attracted by its quirky, creative personality.

She works in Bridport Community Hospital, as a coordinator supporting the elderly and frail. She’s now formed a life here with her partner and 6-year-old son, and embedded herself in the community, volunteering in groups such as ASCape, Bridport Refugee Campaign and BODAN.

Just over a year ago, she began running a community group called Jurassic Multicultural, a group for people from diverse cultures, heritages and faiths who live on the Jurassic Coast.