Bridport Arts Newsletter
Dance Friday 24 May, 2024 7:30pm


Tickets: Adult £16, Concs £14, Under 16’s £8

Accessible – Thought-provoking – Visual delight

Vibha Selvaratnam in Dashavatara (Ten reincarnations)

Presented through the Bharatanatyam with English narration, a beautiful, ancient, internationally popular
Indian Classical Dance style.

The main piece of the show is Dashavatara (ten reincarnations) of Vishnu, one of the principal deities in Hinduism.

Vishnu descends to earth to save the world from its own excesses to restore peace and harmony.

As the world becomes more aware of the troubles it faces due reckless human actions, the concepts in the show have great relevance to the issues in the current world.

Performed by one of UK’s most talented and mesmerising dancers.

Vibha was awarded the Devon Ignite commission from Exeter Phoenix for the initial development of this work.



mesmerising motion in Dance... pleasure watching

S. Krishna (Arts Critic Bangalore)

Dances like a dream

Ashanti Omkar, BBC Asia

I was left wanting for more

not many of these come along in life

her bhavas (expressions) tugged our hearts